How can I participate in VFTC?

  • For ProChoices Therapists alumni and those interested in getting involved with VFTC to learn about Feminist-Narrative therapy, join us as a Member at Large to receive our newsletter and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
  • For therapists interested in applying to be Associates contact:
  • For therapists interested in applying to be Apprentices contact:

How are the Apprentice Therapists different from the Associates?

The Apprenticeship Program supports the core mission of HNC and VFTC: to provide accessible, low-barrier counselling services at a minimum donation of $35 per session. Integral to our own Code of Values is the intention of reciprocity. The Apprenticeship Program is one more way to build community within Feminist-Narrative counselling and create a platform for supportive research and praxis. Each Apprentice Therapist is matched with a HNC Associate, who provides bimonthly mentorship. Like the HNC Associates, Apprentice Therapists participate in ongoing monthly supervision and community of practice, and contribute to participatory action research projects exploring praxis and Feminist-Narrative ways of working and collectively supporting each other’s learning and being.

What counselling approach do you use?

We are a diverse group of dedicated therapists that bring our own skills and experiential knowledges to accompany the Feminist-Narrative, Somatic Therapy practice. We honour our clients as the experts of their own experiences and understanding what constitutes meaningful change in their lives. Rather than pathologizing or prescribing, we invite clients into a co-research process that invites alternative ways to experience, respond, and resolve the challenges and problems in the way of wellbeing.

What is VFTC’s relationship to HNC?

Hilda Nanning Counselling sponsors the Vancouver Feminist Therapy Collective through the provision of a community, experiential professional development, rigorous learning opportunities, and community praxis. With the support of HNC, VFTC has the autonomy to explore, create, and develop, while adhering to regulatory standards of practice and our own collective code of values.